Early Treatment

What is the best time to begin orthodontics?

While Dr. Goeckner can improve smiles at any age, there is usually a best age to begin treatment so we can achieve maximum improvement with a minimum amount of time and expense.

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that a child's first visit to an orthodontist should take place when an orthodontic problem is first detected. In all cases, the AAO recommends that every child visit an orthodontist by no later than age 7. Although interceptive orthodontic treatment is not always indicated, careful observation can establish the best timing for orthodontic care.

What are the benefits of early screening?

Early screening not only provides timely detection of orthodontic problems, it presents more opportunities to provide more effective orthodontic treatment. Timely intervention can gently guide growth and development and prevent more serious problems from occurring. For example, careful removal of selected primary (baby) teeth can temporarily borrow space for successful eruption of adult teeth. When interceptive treatment is not needed, Dr. Goeckner can carefully monitor growth and development and begin treatment at the best time. Either way, a timely screening will give you peace of mind and that gives us all something to smile about.

Why is age 7 an ideal time for screening?

  • The back bite is established when the first adult molars erupt, usually before age 7. Dr. Goeckner can evaluate front to back and side to side (transverse) relationships at this time.
  • The presence of erupting incisors indicates possible crowding, overbite, openbite, gummy smiles and habit patterns. Timely screening gives Dr. Goeckner more chances to create an awesome smile.
  • A timely screening helps parents and patients get to know Dr. Goeckner and their staff. Even if immediate treatment is not indicated, we can provide detailed information on what may be needed in the future and appropriate treatment timing.

What are the advantages of interceptive treatment?

Interceptive treatment presents the opportunity to:

  • CREATE more room for crowded out erupting teeth
  • CREATE facial balance by influencing jaw growth
  • REDUCE risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • PRESERVE or gain space for unerupted teeth
  • REDUCE the need for permanent tooth removal
  • SIMPLIFY treatment time with full braces
  • IMPROVE the self image of our children

Are You A Candidate for Orthodontic treatment?

  • Beyond creating a great smile, orthodontics also improves bad bites or "malocclusions." A malocclusion occurs when the teeth or jaws are not properly aligned. Malocclusions can affect the way you clean your teeth, the way you chew, or the way you smile. Often times, malocclusions can even affect the way you feel about your smile. Below are some of the malocclusions which can be successfully treated with orthodontics.

What Can Happen If Malocclusions Are Not Treated?

  • According to studies by the American Association of Orthodontists, untreated malocclusions may result in a variety of problems. Crowded teeth are more difficult to properly brush and floss which contributes to tooth decay as well as gum disease. Protruding teeth are more susceptible to accidental chipping from trauma. Cross bites can result in unfavorable growth and uneven tooth wear. Open bites can result in tongue thrusting habits and speech issues.
  • The bottom line is, with all the wonderful benefits of successful orthodontic treatment, your investment in orthodontics is an investment in your health.

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